“Thank you for all the care and miracles! As you know, when I contacted you originally, I had a red-zone 5 1/2 month standard poodle. I had even emailed the “Dog Whisperer” to get on his show. I had gone through another trainer with some slight improvement but she had achieved getting my dog down to only two red zone attacks per week (not acceptable). He had been getting better with lots of work but still was very scary and unpredictable and looked like he had rabies at the dog groomers. I had three groomers tell me he was the worst dog they’d ever done. He was high energy and dominant aggressive…very stubborn and even playing was painfully rough. He would constantly challenge me. I had been bitten at least once a day since his arrival at 8 weeks. I had to use a muzzle for basic daily hygiene with him, the vet, groomers. I never knew when this sweet puppy would turn into a monster and try to kill me for he was totally unpredictable. I was getting to the end of my rope and didn’t know where to turn. I had tried a treadmill to burn energy, I took him on an hour and a half worth of walks a day (with him behind), he sat before eating, was trained to do basic obedience well and I was trying all the Dog Whisperer stuff to even get him where he was. I constantly was working with him. But I couldn’t seem to find the right discipline to make him respect me. He saw all discipline as a challenge for a fight or a game to play. I have always been the pack leader and trained all my dogs and even train people to use their inner power and energy. But he just wasn’t getting it. Then, I found YOU! My vet recommended you and said you were the best. The first session, you showed me a simple, easy discipline that made him totally change. His energy immediately cut in half and, for the first time, he looked at me as if he respected me and started to respond. You even got him to finally be good at the groomers. No one that had seen him with a groomer could believe how easily you got him to respond. He is still a work in progress every day but now I have the tools to empower me and I am not afraid of him and he is turning into a great companion who trusts and loves me. I even got him a little brother and, of course, got you at the beginning to get us all off on the right paw. Thank you for your magic and your friendship. You are truly a blessing and you have made my life and my sweet puppies’ lives harmonious and fun. I really don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Cathryn H., N. Dallas, TX