Bruiser stays back!

“Years later (trained in 2011), Bruiser still stays back when people come to the door and he stays away from my plate when I eat. Hours of training make for years of improved behavior! He really is a better dog because of the work we did!” Laura N., Cedar...

Mocha loves meeting kiddos

Check out Mocha’s video. Mocha is working toward her Canine Good Citizen Certification and her Therapy Dog Certification. One requirement is her being able to meet people, especially kids and men in a relaxed manner. Mocha so wanted to see these two little...

Dewey does it best!

“I rescued Dewey, a seven-year-old Bichon nine months ago. He is the sweetest little dog, usually calm with bouts of crazy obsessive ball playing, he loves children and other dogs, and is a great little companion. Dewey had anxiety and accidents when left at...